What´s the point of doing a sensitivity assessment on your or your child´s sensitivity?
Once you know where you stand you can stop trying to fix yourself and blame yourself for your overwhelm and feeling so much (or your child for their meltdowns) and start adapting and living the way you are.
Click here to take the test
It´s important to understand that sensitivity is not a condition or something that needs to be changed. It´s a particular kind of nervous system that one in five people have. A Sensitivity Assessment can tell you where you stand on a sliding scale.
- I can help you get clear on whether your child is highly sensitive using the standard HSP Sensitivity Assessment
- You can also use this Sensitivity Assessment free of charge
- If you want confirmation of the results or to discuss any concerns afterwards you are welcome to book a session for that purpose.
- If you are unsure or don´t trust your own judgment I am happy to provide an experienced perspective to help you get clear.
- I can run through the HSC test with you if you want to assess your child for sensitivity.
We can also summarise your strongest sensitivities and draw up a plan to help you start adapting your life. Once you know what the biggest issues are its not hard to tailor your own life to suit you better.