Children don´t need a perfect parent, they need a real parent.
And that parent is you… Mira Watson
- I help parents who are struggling with getting triggered by their children and then feeling guilty and anxious.
- We dissolve the triggers layer by layer and learn to calm down when reacting. We do this by focusing on your body sensation as a tool. You learn to feel confident at staying present, and in control which builds trust and relationships (and that resolves your children’s behavioural issues!)
- Recent new neurological research supports my method of showing parents how to get in touch with their body sensation to really connect with their children, and give them the attention, connection and response they need to develop. Practising Embodied Parenting resolves disruptive behaviours and developmental issues by creating safety in the child’s nervous system. You can do it no matter how tired, angry or overwhelmed they are. So you don’t have to be a perfect parent- you can be a work in progress and still meet your child’s essential emotional needs.
Do you ever feel like you are just not connecting with your child or getting through? The magic comes once you have got to grips with body sensation. That’s when you start to be able to sense and learn how to engage your child energetically in ways that support them profoundly in their emotional self-regulation and development. I’ll teach you how to do this step by step and you will see the results instantly as you practise with your child or partner.
Parenting HSCs:
How do I know what my HSC needs?
HSCs need different care from other children (you can read an outline here) and much more attention. If you are Highly Sensitive yourself and constantly overwhelmed by your child’s demands and emotions then things can feel doubly demanding… so what can make your life easier?
find out what makes HSCs tick
- figure out how to stay calm and in control
If you´re new to the idea of high sensitivity or feel generally overwhelmed then I can help.
ADHD, Tourette´s & Aspergers
I have a unique approach which is to look at the individual symptoms and find the cause, remove it and then reasess. ADHD in HSCs can be caused by highly emotional people, food additives, not enough downtime and even unrecognized giftedness. I avoid suggesting medication for young children where possible as it will mask rather than resolve the origin. Tourette´s tics can be reversed with a combination of cognitive BT and SE work on the nervous system with supplements. I have had success with children where none of the international specialists else could help. You can book your initial consultation to see if we can work together here. This is a 6 month programme to resolve serious issues and there is a waitlist.

Learn what HSCs need to thrive
- regular downtime
- regular meals
- time to process
- clean food
- empathy
- acceptance
- seam free clothes
- chemical free
- tidy clean room
- quiet
- nature
- people s/he trust
I can take you through an assessment of your child´s needs and discuss a plan with you.
Emotional Regulation

Emotional regulation is THE crucial element in your HSCs upbringing. Because HSCs are so emotionally aware and sensitive, they need to learn to navigate their own emotions. If you can regulate your own emotions you will be able to help them regulate theirs. Children cannot learn this without parental support – they need you to do it with them every day. And especially when they are out of balance. I teach this in a 3-month Child-Parent Alignment Programme. If you’d like to know more, please book a consultation below.
Constantly Triggered?
Learn to manage your overwhelm. If you´re finding you are constantly emotionally triggered by your child chances are your own childhood experience was tough. You need to learn to calm yourself internally – I teach this in a carefully designed series experiential sessions that connect you with body sensation so you can manage your own experience better and faster. Once you get the ability to sense inside your body we can start dissolving the actual triggers. Took book a consultation and find out more click here.
Happy Clients

Thank you Mira, you are a wonderful professional. Your sessions are a great support to me and my daughter. The changes in my little girl since you started working with her are noticeable week after week. Even where the medical professionals said she would never progress. Thank you for teaching us to see life with different eyes. And to know and trust that changes are real and possible.
Filo Salord

“I met Mira at a very unstable time in my life as my Highly Sensitive three-year-old daughter was suffering severally from eczema. As confronted as I was by my own unhappiness, Mira was able to allow me to see the feelings I was desperately trying to deny, and to support me, my husband, and my children with her undeniable calm and gentle approach. She has taught me so much about emotions and the importance of acknowledging their presence, allowing them to be there without judgment, and then letting them go. Not only for myself but also for my children.”
Renee van Egmond

Mira had a profound effect on my life and that of my nine-year-old son (with ADHD) when we spent some time with her. After experiencing cranio with Mira for the first time, my son, who has an ADHD diagnosis, was calm and able to function easily where before he had been plagued by tics. The difference in his behaviour was so marked at school the next day that his class teacher phoned me up to ask what on earth had happened to him!
Isabel Stout
- I help parents who are struggling with getting triggered by their children and then feeling guilty and anxious.
- We dissolve the triggers layer by layer and learn to calm down when reacting. We do this by focusing on your body sensation as a tool. You learn to feel confident at staying present, and in control which builds trust and relationships (and that resolves your children’s behavioural issues!)
- Recent new neurological research supports my method of showing parents how to get in touch with their body sensation to really connect with their children, and give them the attention, connection and response they need to develop. Practising Embodied Parenting resolves disruptive behaviours and developmental issues by creating safety in the child’s nervous system. You can do it no matter how tired, angry or overwhelmed they are. So you don’t have to be a perfect parent- you can be a work in progress and still meet your child’s essential emotional needs.